Research Portfolio (2011-2015)

He quit academia in mid-2016 and joined Gramener. He no longer pursues academic research interests.

Past work | Publications

Past projects


BioRobust is an online framework to determine robustness of biological systems. Robustness is measured in terms of a metric (packet receival rate) determined using NS-2, a network simulation platform. Features derived from the network are used to execute machine learning models to determine the best features impacting the robustness.

Status: under development
As part of a programme named Dean's Early Research Initiative (DERI), I mentored a high school student from Fall 2014 to Spring 2015.
Vertex-shared motifs

Feed-forward loop (FFL) motifs are often cited to be important factor for robust biological networks. In this study, we consider the role of connected FFLs in creating robust networks. To this effect, we study all 23 possible vertex-shared FFLs.

An example of a vertex-shared motif is presented below where the structural pattern ABC is one FFL and BCD is another FFL. #1 and #8 represent identifiers for two different vertex-shared motifs on left and right respectively. The patterns #1 and #8 are isomorphic in nature.

Paper, October 2015
Structural role of FFLs in signal transduction

This work explores the role of feed forward loop (FFL) motifs in signal transduction within transcriptional regulatory networks. To observe this, FFLs are categorized using two criteria: spacial and structural. While peripheral and non-peripheral FFLs form the spacial categorization, canonical and embedded FFLs form the structural categorization.

Status: manuscript under preparation
miRegulome is an integrated online repository that provides entire regulatory modules of a miRNA, based on manually curated validated published data. Each module is hyperlinked to appropriate external database such as CTD, mir2Disease, miRNApath, KEGG, Entrez, and PubMed etc. to give a comprehensive view of a miRNA regulome. The modules of a miRNA regulome consist of upstream regulators (transcription factors and various chemicals), downstream targets, pathways, functions, and disease associations etc. The relationships between modules and miRNA and experimental details have also been provided.

Tool URL
Paper, August 2015

Chemicals under certain environmental conditions cause changes to genes impacting miRNAs which can cause a certain disease. In order to identify the impact of miRNA(s) on disease(s), we use maximum-weighted matching approach and motif-based analysis.
Tool URL
Paper, May 2015
Role of static motif-based features in biological network robustness
Machine learning techniques can be useful in realizing the features contributing to the robustness of biological systems. In this work, we compare subnetworks extracted from E. coli and yeast using in-silico experiments. As a first, this study quantifies the impact of motif, feed-forward loop and bifan, abundance in natural networks.
Paper, December 2014
Pannotator is an online framework to automate genome annotation.
Tool URL
Paper, August 2013
